RCC is a not for profit organization that is known as a "free church", which means we are not attached to the government in any way and therefore not privy to any accommodations from the government or it's agencies in terms of funds disbursements. This allows our ministry to be completely governed by the Holy Spirit without any worldly entities that govern what we can and cannot preach, teach, who we can an cannot marry, or serve in any way. Because of this status, we are totally supported by your donations and the donations and grants of those who support entities such as ours.
For that reason, it is our goal to build partnerships with our supporters that allows you to give a set amount on a monthly basis. We ask that if you believe our ministry adds value not only to your life but also to the mission in which we serve, we would like you to commit to pledging to give at least $10 per month to our organization. You are always welcomed to pledge any amount that you desire as well.
Your donations allow us to continue to serve the community in which we serve on a daily basis and also helps to establish the "all things in common" mission that we have for our local church body.
Please consider pledging and partnering with us to help us continue to preach the gospel of the kingdom to our community and provide them with the services they need to live an abundant life in Christ here in this world!
Please fill out the pledge form below and you can click the "Donate" button and send your donation either one time or recurring,or click the CashApp button to send a one time donation!